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What is Coaching?

Coaching provides many benefits: clarity, perspective, stronger interpersonal effectiveness, and heightened confidence.

My aim is to help you in your process of discovering dreams and desires, identifying the steps to bringing them to life, including development of an action plan.

With coaching, the focus is on identifying and implementing goals, along with overcoming any barriers to achieving those goals. 

Another emphasis is on fixing problems; coaching can help you work through issues and challenges before they become major problems.

Spiritual direction can be a helpful supplement to coaching because time is spent exploring what's underneath the challenges. 

What's Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual direction is an ancient Christian practice of spiritual guidance and companionship that provides space for you to explore what's happening in your soul - a safe, welcoming place to share your sacred story.

Reflection and prayer provide pathways to experiencing the transforming presence of Jesus and developing new habits and patterns of thinking and living in Christ's presence.

The focus is not on finding solutions to the struggles in life, but rather to discerning how God is present within the struggles.

Scripture illustrates relationships where one follower of God companioned another to nurture a deeper life with God. Eli and Samuel, Elisha and Elijah, Ruth and Naomi, Esther and her cousin Mordecai, Mary and Elizabeth, Timothy and Paul...

Is Counseling Different?

In counseling, the emphasis is looking at ways to resolve difficult relationships, behaviors or situations in your life.

Spiritual Direction may look at the very same struggles but from the vantage point of a deeper intimacy with God - noticing God’s love and invitation in the midst of challenge.

Generally, counseling and coaching tend to be more intensive and end when the problem is resolved. Spiritual Direction may be a long-term relationship, meeting together less frequently.

For some, a combination of counseling, coaching, and spiritual direction may be beneficial. 

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